We at Technology Based Magic see our Animatronics as more than just some funny robots, we see them as your AMBASSADORS.
They not only attract crowds at conventions, stands, and showrooms, but they also can convey your message. From simple preprogrammed animations to complex interactions and even multiple-choice quizzes. They captivate an audience.
With our new platform, we can now build custom animatronics in all shapes and sizes to look like your mascot or even become one.

From the drawing board to a immersive experience
Modular freedom
With the rise of covid-19, we decided to UP our game on the Animatronic front. Our "animated ambassadors" could face a more active role in stores, in showrooms, or any place where simple human interaction can be replaced or reduced to avoid infection.
Just imagine going into a store and kindly being greeted by one of our "automatons", and it can give you simple directions or answers to predecided questions. Or maybe going into a museum or showroom without a tour guide and still get all the information and stories in an engaging way. Our goal is not to replace people, it's to give a "personal interaction" and answers basic inquiries in an entertaining AND SAFE way.
We redesigned our production process to go modular and integrate it with the tools we already use for our other creations. We went back to the drawing board and looked at what we think our next generation of animatronics should be. The main elements that give our animatronics movement are now modular in build and in programming. This gives us the freedom to have an unlimited amount of articulation, limbs, motion, and expression and keeping the animation fast and streamlined.
We also changed the way the animation is generated. What used to take days we now do in a fraction of time by using a blend of our own pre-animated movement library and our "bridge" software that allows getting data from our 3D animations in our animation suite. This allows us to visualize the animation, easily tweak it, and get clients' approval and reactions quickly.
The first of our 2.0 Series is currently on display at the "Gare TGV - Aix-en-Provence" (France) which has normally over 5,5 million visitors each year.
for more information please check out our blog article about "AIX-TRA 2.0" our latest creation.